My Last Day in Malaysia
One of my favourite actresses once said, "Good-byes are horrible, just horrible. Nobody likes them; nobody wants them. We're just animals really, going on instinct. We have moments where find ourselves sobbing, uncontrollably, and we don't even know why. They're just horrible."
That has been me in the last few days.
Leaving home and making another country your home for several years feels like an adventure in the beginning. Finally making the choice to leave that country and go home feels right at the time you decide to do it. But when you have to say good-bye to all the people that you have come to know as a surrogate family, it's just agony. That's because, unlike your real family some of whom you may or (let's face it) may NOT get along with, your surrogate family overseas is made up entirely of people you really like and mates you have chosen to keep with you.
People like that are hard to say good-bye to.
This blog (weblog) will chronicle my trip home, not only the flight from Malaysia to Canada but a much longer journey. It will be about the end of an era in our family.
Packing up the farmhouse, dismantling the grain bins, selling off the farm implements in the auction, the last christmas we'll ever have at the farm, and saying good-bye to 200 years of Augustine family history.
Tonight at one o'clock in the bloody morning I'll be getting on a plane to head back to Canada. Six hours to Korea, followed by ten hours IN Korea, then another ten to Vancouver. After that, another three in the Vancouver airport and finally a one hour flight to Kelowna, BC where I get to see my sister for the first time in two years.
Nobody ever said that the road home was a short one...
Hey, I did that same stopover three years ago with three kids and very little cash on me. 7 hours...we went to that room where you can jump up and down with other kids surrounded by all the coloured balls (i think you are over the height limit). we went online, we sat, we sat, we people watched, we sat, we went back to the ball cage as they've also got some computer games there (i think the chairs might be a bit small for you)...Ok, face it, if i could deal with that same stopover under those circumstances, you can get through it. Sneak and take some funny photos in the aiport and post them already!
2:47 AM
oops! ,meant to post that to "1st leg"
what i meant to post here: Hafizah saw your blog and asked me "does anyone miss Mark?" I personally don't like to say that I miss people. I mean, it's a rare feeling for me. The people who have left the most profound impressions on me never really "leave" me.
But I ask you: do you think you will be missed and how do you want to be remembered?...
2:55 AM
:( guess this is it. You really not here anymore. Miss you already. Thank God for this blog :)
3:00 AM
Hello bad boy,
Well its a new chapter in your life. God, you look awful in this pic. Pity its not high resolution.
Hows it being home? Hope things are well and that readjusting to your sis (and later Mum and Dad) is going well.
Trust your transit in Seoul was full of SHOPPING! Since you were there for ten hours, lets hope you had some REAL kimchi and that you liked it.
CHat more soon.
5:23 AM
Hello bad boy,
Well its a new chapter in your life. God, you look awful in this pic. Pity its not high resolution.
Hows it being home? Hope things are well and that readjusting to your sis (and later Mum and Dad) is going well.
Trust your transit in Seoul was full of SHOPPING! Since you were there for ten hours, lets hope you had some REAL kimchi and that you liked it.
Chat more soon.
5:23 AM
Hey thanks guys for posting. I did in fact get lots of shopping in and the food in Korea was good. Yes got some Kimchi. I'm glad that I did this blog becasue it is giving me some continuity too. It lets me reflect and helps me to focus on myself and what I have done. So in that sense Noriza, yes 'thank God for the blog'.
4:28 AM
Does anyone miss Mark? I hope so. And you know what, I was so touched when I left how many hugs and good wishes I got. I really am missing all the people I left behind. As for the comment on 'missing people' and 'people who never really leave you', I can appreciate that Terri. People do stay in our hearts, don't they. Do I think I will be missed,... we all miss people who just leave us. Will I be missed in a year's time, maybe not so much. Everything fades with time. But I would like to be remembered as a man with heart. Then again being remembered at all is enough really.
Say hi to the kids for me Terri. Look forward to seeing you again in the future at some point. Maybe if I ever work in your area of the world wherever you go... :-) You know what I'm talking about? GIRRRRL!
4:35 AM
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