This is a chronicle of my trip home from Malaysia, and our last Christmas on the farm. Please feel free to post comments and respond to stuff that I've written. If there is anything you would like to see or pictures you'd like me to take and post on-line just ask and I'll do my best to oblige.

Monday, November 13, 2006

first leg Part 2

here's me feeling the pain (sympathetic of course)....

...and reaching for a panadol... (already)

One kimchi dinner later and about 20 degrees Celsius lower, I am feeling good and ready for the next flight. Just need a snickers bar to cut the burning in my mouth and I will be ready.

With luck the next flight won't have any movies featuring pop stars. I really don't relish saying "yeah, I saw Crossroads -- ON THE PLANE, ONE THE PLANE -- I SWEAR!!" People just think less of me really fast...


Blogger Mark said...

Hye Kimmy,

farm is not for sale, youmight want to call me folks and ask them about that, but it is being liquidated. Auction sale is next month. I am coming hometo Ontario next week so I'll give you guys a call, but we'll definitely see you at the HOELZLI family Christmas, if that tradition is still alive...
talk to you soon,

4:40 AM


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