Short 1 2day
Quick Blog
It is middle of the day and there is just no time.
This week is so bad that I have had to get up at 6:30 am to get my swim in because we are going full-throttle by 8:30.
By the end of my day, I am so tired and depleted of everything I feel like ejecting the warp core and surrendering to the Klingons!
But here is a little fun pic to tide you loyal readers over until the next big blog...

here's me taking 12 inch metal spikes out of the wall of the barn with a grinder!
I am a busy boy.
5 Things I haven't done since I have been desperately trying to do since I have been home...
1. get my stuff I shipped from Malaysia (it has been in storage for a month)
2. go see friends in Toronto
3. call May in the UK
4. call Britta in Texas
5. get a medical check-up
What you are doing sure looks scary, but it's definitely a refreshing change from teaching!
12:26 AM
Sweetheart, I love reading your blog. It really makes me smile and miss you! I have spent the last 2 weeks in the UK and I arrived in Barcelona a couple of days ago. It is great to be home and away from work for a bit. This evening Rodolfo and I are taking the kids out to the cinema and to a Chinese restaurant for dinner... and I have the feeling that they WILL actually ask me to order in Chinese! Love and Kisses
5:52 AM
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