This is a chronicle of my trip home from Malaysia, and our last Christmas on the farm. Please feel free to post comments and respond to stuff that I've written. If there is anything you would like to see or pictures you'd like me to take and post on-line just ask and I'll do my best to oblige.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Quick Add-on

In the process of posting this weblog I am slowly learning more and more about how to do it. One of the things I am slowly figuring out is how to write code and add links to other websites.

For those of you who would like to improve your Spanish and meet one of the most fantastic people I have ever known, go to

For those of you who want to read intelligent and thoughtful commentaries on photography, visit the site of a good friend of mine, Tom Hayton at or just type in the address field of your internet browser. Tom took some photos of me before I left Malaysia and he has posted a few there.

Incidentally, Tom, I was in a Starbucks yesterday and a woman came up to me and told me that she ran an art gallery nearby and I 'had a very interesting face'. She wondered if i had ever considered doing modelling for photographers! It floored me.
I didn't really take what you said seriously but maybe I have a future!!

"I'm ready for my close-up Mr. DeMille!!!"
At the top of this post, you'll find a stellar photo taken by Tom....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look like a Vivienne Westwood model!! TOo bad we never went out with you looking like that.

4:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

He does? Hahahah...I guess so... :)

Well, Mark, when we sat down for a coffee the day before you left and I showed you the contact sheet from the shoot, you said, ''I didn't know I could take a photo this good'' and I said, ''I did''.

You could do more work if you want to.

BTW I posted some images of Camelia at my blog ...

11:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark! Thanks for adding the link to my blog and for saying what you said. You are such a sweetheart. And yes, that's a fantastic photo of you? Tom, if you take photos of me will you be able to make look THAT good???

2:43 AM


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