Dude, Where’s My French Textbook
So, now I am in Morocco and what do I do next? The language of choice here is French, the first language I ever learned in a classroom, and it shocks me how much comes back and, conversely, how much seems totally gone. I find at times I can ask someone the most random thing – ‘I would like you to make a copy of this key for me! (en francais, of course) -- but telling a taxi driver to go right or left is like trying to make a halal pot roast with a five kilo slab of pork. (Note to self: find out how to say ‘right’ and ‘left’)
Sunday morning I woke up in London and had a coffee in a lovely flat near Camden. I had stayed there with my friend, May, who manages the band of the guy who owned the flat (he’s the bassist, incidentally). Our trip to the train station was fun as we rode the bus through London chatting and laughing. I have known May for a few years and it was my second trip to see her in London. It was a great trip in fact and I didn’t want to let go when we hugged and said good-bye at the platform for the Heathrow Express. But letting go is a small death you have to endure to see new things happen every day.
Sunday night I arrived at the Moroccan airport and, despite promises by my new employer, there was no one there to pick me up. I met a new colleague taking the same flight as me who had come to Casablanca for work as well. We waited nearly 2 hours before I dared to leave the building. A huge crowd stood outside where only a few distant lights shone on the drive and the doorways were black, women cradled babies, men shouted ‘taxi’ over and over, and I clutched the pocket where my wallet was hidden. I turned and went back into the airport to find my compatriot sitting with her coffee.
“Do you trust me?” I said
She looked at me warily. “Yes”
“Going outside is a bad idea.”
A definitive moment of silence passed. I have been in lots of dodgy situations before and come through them. It takes a lot for me to be apprehensive. It takes even more for me to listen to my apprehension and turn around and go back the way I came. As you read this, I hope and pray that you never have the experience I did that night.
We took a train out of the airport at nearly 9pm. It looked far too old to ever be mistaken for modern and when I got on I suddenly regretted not staying in the airport. Luckily I had my new friend with me and at times like those I force a brave face for the person I am with. Six stops later we got out at Le Gare de Casa Voyageurs, the Casablanca train station, to look for an internet café where we might access email and get the personal number for our new employer. An hour later on a dark dirty street where a late fog was settling in, we had achieved all that except for the number itself. We had retrieved a personal email but that was all. We trudged to the nearby “Ibis Hotel” beside the train station where we found all rooms booked. What to do next!
“Can you recommend any other hotels?” I asked.
“Hotel Casablanca! Monsieur” the woman smiled back at me.
(Now why didn’t I think of that!)
Our trip there was eventful with 2 cab drivers fighting over who would take us. In the end, we got to the hotel and checked in after I insisted on looking at the state of the rooms. Cold and tired, we went to bed.
What to say. I missed home a lot that day.
Helping Hands
One of the things that really struck me was the help we got on the day of the sale. The number of people who showed up to help was, …. well, “great” seems so inadequate.
Family and friends were there. People we were related to and people who had known our family for three generations were all there. It was touching.
My Aunt Theresa called up early that morning and asked if we needed help. She lives nearly 2 hours away, outside the city of Toronto. When I answered the phone I must have sounded panicked but really it was more confusion than anything else.
“Um, ..help? Do we need help? Um, dunno, um……Let me ask my moth--…she’s not here. DAMN! Okay, listen, I’ll call you back and let you know.”
I found out later that after I hung up that she had gotten into her car immediately and started the drive down. I love her for that. Only family will do something that.
Theresa (left) and my mum (right)
My cousin Sara also came down. She is near me in age but she’s my father’s first cousin. Sara wanted to see the farm and give a bit of moral support. Really, though she never lived there or grew up there, the farm was part of her family history too. Sara was great because all day she walked around with me and just kept me laughing and supported me when I was lagging from exhaustion. Only family will do something like that too.

Me (left) and Sara (right)
At one point, when the auctioneers were getting ready to sell a tractor my grandfather had made from scratch, I was standing with my sister. My grandfather built that tractor with his bare hands and it had been his pride and joy for years. I really wanted to see that tractor bought by someone who would appreciate it. I could feel my heart swelling; I could hear tears in my sister’s voice.
“I’m not sure I can watch this”, she said.
Just then a hand pulled on her arm.
“Hi Bekki!!! Remember Me?!” It was her friend, Tracey, a woman she had known since high school. Tracey had come just for the auction sale, to see my sister. I will never be able to express how that made me feel. It was a moment of spontaneous love that the universe made happen. Just at a moment when my sister needed someone to lift her spirits, a friend arrived. That is something else really special about family.
BEK (left) and Tracey (right)
All the people in these pictures are family in one way or another because they did things for us that no one else could do on that day. They were simply there for us. Whether we asked them to be there or not (and in almost every case, not).
…and we will always be grateful to them for it.

Kevin and Bronwen
Every now and then some event occurs in our lives that allows us to discover that there are people who care about us. If it wasn't for those events, we might never have known.
7:47 AM
They didn't meet you at the airport? I'd like to say I'm shocked, but it is fairly typical behaviour. I wasn't met at the airport either. Dumped in a hotel with no instructions or information. They know how to make people feel welcome, huh?
Anyway dude, I think Morocco will be an adventure for you. Keep us posted!
5:23 PM
Hope things have worked out better now for you in Morocco. Think you should also write a story of how you hiked up Arthur's Seat, would be a great one too.....:P
4:53 AM
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