This is a chronicle of my trip home from Malaysia, and our last Christmas on the farm. Please feel free to post comments and respond to stuff that I've written. If there is anything you would like to see or pictures you'd like me to take and post on-line just ask and I'll do my best to oblige.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

What does a chameleon do when it is sitting on tartan?

Or an octopus for that matter? What do both of these have in common? They both have photo-mimetic capabilities. That is, they each have the ability to mimic the colours around them to help them blend into an environment.

Originally this was going to be a long entry but instead it will be an extremely short one.

So, on that note I will say this, until one person enters an idea on what a chameleon does when sitting on a tartan (and that is a serious question) I will not blog again. All it takes is one comment and I will continue, otherwise the blog dies here.

And, as requested from Anwar:

5 Things I regret doing or not doing in 2006:
1. I regret not calling and emailing Sam (in Taiwan) more
2. I regret staying in my flat for so long feeling sorry for myself after I finished the diploma, I could have been out enjoying the sunshine more and seeing more of Malaysia
3. I regret not spending the money to go climb Mt. Kinabalu
4. I regret not going to the rainforest festival with Jane, Alan, and Geraldine
5. I regret not taking Anwar out for that film before I left, we should've had one last go at the cinema

5 Things I hope for 2007:
1. Someone I know will come to visit me in Morocco.
2. I will stay in touch as well as I have been with people in Malaysia and the world
3. I will start my own business in Canada and the world doing corporate training in English Langauge and business soft skills
4. I will begin managing my money better such that I start investing it and end up in a rather large mansion as a silk-clad playboy which Mel Tan dreamed me to be
5. I will either improve my mandarin or learn arabic

By the way, here is a pic of the school I work in...
hee hee hee


Blogger Mark said...

hye kimmy,

thanks for writing. I understand completely about not visiting, I can barely afford to visit. I have to get a short term job here to make the visit happen. WIll send postcards though,

take care and btw, Saw a picture of your oldest at aunt theresa's house -- oh my god when did Brians hair turn dark brown?!?!?!

must see you all next visit home,
take care and all the best,

2:12 PM

Blogger noriza said... would love to come and visit you..if you give me the money,and hopefully Air Asia will do Morocco, so with only RM9.99, I can visit you..:)

10:53 PM

Blogger faridulanwar said...

Hi Mark,
I just called Etihad Airways, a new airline company that flies to Casablanca via Abu Dhabi. Let's just say that I am waiting ....
When is the best time to see you? In March when you are doing your travelling, or Feb?

Thanks for the pics! Moroccan/Moorish decor, as I have always been inspired of (as reflected in my apartment -ha!), continue to charm me. I really want to see you there -- seriously!

Chameleon on the tartan? We are no chameleons and there is no metaphoric tartan. Human beings adapt, my dear. That's what we do. You either sink or swim. Maybe I should go over there and reassure you that. Or do you still need a tartan?

love always,

12:55 AM


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