This is a chronicle of my trip home from Malaysia, and our last Christmas on the farm. Please feel free to post comments and respond to stuff that I've written. If there is anything you would like to see or pictures you'd like me to take and post on-line just ask and I'll do my best to oblige.

Monday, February 05, 2007

The Bitter Suite

Things that make me want to scream lately...

7. Waking up at 4 am with a splitting headache
6. Which resulted in a sinus infection
5. Students who can't write 4 questions for homework over a weekend.
4. Students who yell "teacher, teacher, teacher" when you've got a splitting headache
3. Being high on painkillers when trying to teach gestures and presentation skills
2. Sitting in a traffic jam on the way to "le dentiste"
1. Not being able to get a taxi home after 'le dentiste' says he can't see you until tomorrow, which means that you end up having to walk -- all -- the way -- home.

A freezing little flat in Casablanca never looked so good to a man with a sore tooth.

I miss Malaysia terribly, and moments in time I was really happy with some of my friends there.


Blogger Unknown said...

Students yelling "teaher! teacher!"....gee, haven't had that nightmare for a while....:-P
Miss Malaysia already huh? I miss Perhentian from time to time too. We should go there together next time.

12:26 PM


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