The Auction Sale: Prologue
This is the first blog in a while of any significance. Up until now, I have written a lot about family and what it has meant to come home, the emotional strain, the little dramas, and all the little things that I've reflected upon in the past few weeks. But this has been because we were slowly working on the auction sale all for the purpose of being ready the big day.
Well, the last week has been tough and I haven't blogged it at all mostly because days were about getting up at 6 when it was dark and falling into bed at 10 long after it had fallen into darkness again. But now that it is all over I can blog it and really tell the story of the end of an era in my family. Though this all comes very late, and in fact after it is all over, it is the only way to give a comprehensive account of why it has been so important for me to come home. I hope you will enjoy the chapters I write over the coming 2 weeks or so.
For now, content yourselves with these pictures as a teaser of what is to come....

My father and I had to transport the last crop of soybeans that our farm will ever grow. This was an arduous task, especially since it had turned bitter cold in the weeks leading up to the sale.

We were up so early everyday, but our spirits were up too, and somehow we made it work.

In the end, on the day of the auction, we were ready. With everything lined up in the fields and ready to go all we needed was to get it started.
to be continued...