This is a chronicle of my trip home from Malaysia, and our last Christmas on the farm. Please feel free to post comments and respond to stuff that I've written. If there is anything you would like to see or pictures you'd like me to take and post on-line just ask and I'll do my best to oblige.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Small Miracles

Ten things I feel good about...

1. Learning to say 'left, right, straight' in French
2. Going for a 30 minute run this morning
3. Figuring out how to -download software from the CD ROM
-load the programme
-configure the internet connection
-and decode the login and password for the internet,
all in French!!!
4. Finding a faster road to walk to school down
5. Having written 5 postcards today
6. The cat at work
7. Talking to Hannah on the phone in Spain
8. Keeping my cool when Bernard told me to 'suck it up' on the first day of class when there was no paper for photocopies
9. My boots
10. The bread here in Casablanca -- it is great!!!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Karma Chameleon

The chameleon -- what does he do when he sits on a tartan?
He screams and says "what do I do now, I don't know how to do this! I don't know how to fit in!"
Whether you have ever had this happen or not is debatably good or bad. Personally, I think it is good while at the same time traumatizing. 'Fitting in' is something that we like to do; 'blending in' comes as second nature to most of us. When we can't do it, it makes life difficult but it helps us grow. In the end, the chameleon either learns to blend in with the tartan or he learns that he can't. But either way, he learns, or....
he runs away.

So here's me, in Morocco. And I'm feeling like a chameleon sitting on tartan.

"How's that???" you say.

Yes, it is an odd analogy but the best I can come up with first thing on a Sunday morning. Or maybe I should explain it in simpler terms.

I'm feeling like I can't hide in my own life anymore and fitting in just doesn't come naturally, nor does it even feel natural. Somehow, fitting in stopped being natural a while back and I got used to the idea of being a stranger wandering through the world. So, in essence, I feel some days like I have lost the context of my own person and even the very smallest things amaze and transfix me. Unless I am mistaken, and I may well be so, I believe that this denotes something of a phenomenological view of life. (Tom, feel free to correct me if I am using this term wrongly)

I'll give you an example...

Two days ago I walked the streets of Casablanca just after eight o'clock in the evening. Traffic had slowly trickled away and the streets, nearly full an hour before, were close to empty of people. I had walked for some time exploring the darkened avenues and boulevards before I decided to find a taxi to take me home. As I stood at the side of the Avenue Hassan II, I watched a group of Moroccan woman collide on the sidewalk in hugs and greetings. Their covered heads and robust forms embraced each other and I stood silently watching. And I saw as I watched something I had never seen anyone in my life do before nor may ever see again.

They each embraced and kissed as many Europeans do, first on one cheek, and then on the other. But on the other, they kissed, pecking at each other's other cheek three times in succession. I watched and saw each woman daintily do this with all the others, the small group of them exchanging their one and three kisses. And it was so incredibly new to me!

The moment suddenly froze as I took these women in. And I felt so sad for them.

They did not realise, nor would they ever realise, how beautiful they were to me in that moment, --that they would never be as beautiful or as gentle to themselves or to anyone else for the rest of their lives as they were to me in that moment! And they became like a great, great work of art crumbling in front of me as each second pushed forward and their meeting ended. And I smiled and watched them drift away and into the dwindling crowd on the street until they disappeared.

None of those women would ever know the impression they had on a man from elsewhere who stood on a street corner waiting for a taxi that night.

On the way home, my taxi driver insisted on merrily chatting with me in French. He didn't stop until I told him in my horribly wrecked Quebecois, "Pardon, je ne parle pas francais tres bien. Je parle en peu".

He smiled and laughed, and then apologised to me. "Your face", he said in Moroccan French slang, "votre visage..." He said as he pulled his hand down across his face.

"You look Moroccan!"

'Thank you' I replied in both French and Arabic.

"Merci,... Shukran."

Sunday, January 14, 2007

More Pics of the Building I work in...

What does a chameleon do when it is sitting on tartan?

Or an octopus for that matter? What do both of these have in common? They both have photo-mimetic capabilities. That is, they each have the ability to mimic the colours around them to help them blend into an environment.

Originally this was going to be a long entry but instead it will be an extremely short one.

So, on that note I will say this, until one person enters an idea on what a chameleon does when sitting on a tartan (and that is a serious question) I will not blog again. All it takes is one comment and I will continue, otherwise the blog dies here.

And, as requested from Anwar:

5 Things I regret doing or not doing in 2006:
1. I regret not calling and emailing Sam (in Taiwan) more
2. I regret staying in my flat for so long feeling sorry for myself after I finished the diploma, I could have been out enjoying the sunshine more and seeing more of Malaysia
3. I regret not spending the money to go climb Mt. Kinabalu
4. I regret not going to the rainforest festival with Jane, Alan, and Geraldine
5. I regret not taking Anwar out for that film before I left, we should've had one last go at the cinema

5 Things I hope for 2007:
1. Someone I know will come to visit me in Morocco.
2. I will stay in touch as well as I have been with people in Malaysia and the world
3. I will start my own business in Canada and the world doing corporate training in English Langauge and business soft skills
4. I will begin managing my money better such that I start investing it and end up in a rather large mansion as a silk-clad playboy which Mel Tan dreamed me to be
5. I will either improve my mandarin or learn arabic

By the way, here is a pic of the school I work in...
hee hee hee